Author Archives: admin
New Madison HOA Fees for 2021
On December 23, 2020, the Madison board of directors adopted a 2021 Budget. Below is the new 2021 fee schedule for all owners:
Current 2020 Assessment New 2021 Assessment (1/1/21)
Small 1/1 $202.20 $209.81
Large 1/1 $256.20 $265.22
Reg. 2/1 $279.90 $290.44
Small 2/2 $304.20 $315.66
Large 2/2 $345.00 $358.00
Reg. 3/2 $388.50 $403.13
If you have questions or concerns regarding your account, balance or other Association related items, please call FSA 24 (twenty-four hour) Customer Care at: 1-866-378-1099.
The Association says that all owners will receive a coupon booklet for the 2021 dues approximately three to four weeks after the Budget Adoption date referenced above. Late fees will be suspended for the month of January 2021 only, in order to provide owners ample time to make the necessary changes on how they pay their assessments.
The Board of Directors may be contacted via: 407-299-2979 or email: mariluz.onna@fsresidential.com.
MetroWest Annual Tenant Screening
The MetroWest Master Association requires annual screening of all tenants living in communities who are not certified “crime free.”
What does this mean? It means that tenants wishing to renew their leases, must undergo annual screenings for criminal activity before signing a new lease. This applies to residents of condos, apartments and single family homes alike.

While this may seem inconvenient, the practice is key to keeping MetroWest a safe place to live and work.
Metro Screening has now made this convenient and affordable. Tenants can simply go to MetroScreening.com on their mobile devices and upload their information, including a copy of their driving license. The process can be completed in less than five minutes. The cost? Just $12 – and some landlords may even let you deduct this from your next rent payment. The report is then sent directly to your property manager or HOA.
More good news: When you use Metro Screening app for your annual screening, your credit will not be run, meaning that no inquiry will be recorded. Not even a soft inquiry will show.
Problem solved!
Madison Final Countdown
MetroWest Summer Fest!
June MetroWest Newsletter
The June MetroWest news letter is here!